MOIA Conference Keynote


Dark Nights of the Soul; When Terror Hits Home – Deputy Chief AJ DeAndrea (Retired)

Deputy Chief AJ DeAndrea (Retired) was in a leadership role in three school
shootings that changed the fabric of American society and police response to active
shootings around the world. The primary events were Columbine High School, Platte
Canyon High School and the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) shootings. He takes a
deep dive into these tragic events and more importantly analyzes the positive things
that came from them from decision making, improved tactics, and mental health

Most importantly, he is accompanied by his oldest daughter, Madalena DeAndrea,
who survived the Borderline Bar and Grill active shooting incident in Thousand Oaks,
CA in 2018. Madalena, a current Senior Manager of Strategic Projects, Recovery, and
Resiliency with Jefferson County Schools in Colorado shares how the protective
factors she learned growing up the daughter of a life long law enforcement officer,
ultimately saved her life. She shares her insights as a survivor of an active shooter,
and her choice to experience post traumatic growth following an experience of evil.
AJ and Madalena passionately speak from a perspective of having been inside the
building during the aforementioned active shootings. These events have lead to the
creation of our Eight Pillars of Awareness and Preparation. These Pillars can assist in
preventing an active shooting from occurring or help stop and manage them more
effectively if one is to occur in your jurisdiction.

-Understand the tactical decision making matrix, “P.I.E.” (Priorities, Intel, &
-Environment) and be able to apply it to real world situations.
-Understand the Eight Pillars of awareness and preparation that can help prevent
active shootings from occurring or help stop and manage them more effectively
if one occurs.
-Create a resilient and positive mental health culture in their agency.
-Apply protective factors to their day to day life and the lives of their colleagues
and loved ones to make them more resilient in the aftermath of trauma.

Sponsored by: Safe Haven Defense

MOIA 2025 Annual Training Conference


Dates: Monday May 19th – Thursday May 22nd, 2025

Conference Fee: $225 (Includes membership if applicable and conference meals)

Who should attend? State Investigators, Law Enforcement Officers, Private Investigators, Security and Loss Prevention Managers, and administrative personnel assigned to those investigative/regulatory agencies.

Conference Information: The MOIA conference registration fee ($225) includes annual dues, continental breakfast, two lunches and one dinner. Each class offered will provide the attendee POST OR Continuing Education Credit. PI Continuing Education Credit has been submitted for approval to the Division of Professional Registration. To receive credit, the attendee must attend 100% of the class. All questions regarding the training curriculum should be addressed to Denetta Amor at

Dress: Conference attire is casual. Remember to include appropriate clothing for after-hour Springfield activities (pool, golf, etc). If you are required to carry a weapon, please conceal it if possible.

Hotel Information: Oasis Hotel & Convention Center. Directions: Located off I-44 on Glenstone Ave in Springfield, Missouri. The hotel address is 2546 North Glenstone Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65803.

Call 417-866-5253 for reservations and ask for the MOIA rate. The room rate is $99.00 per night good until May 1st.

MOIA Website:

Click Here for Registration

Agenda – 2024 Agenda – 2025 Agenda will be Released January 2025

Click here for Printable Registration Form